So You Don’t Want To Waste Time to import Your Python Data Science Package ?

In this article, I will save your "import package" time

Yanwei Liu
2 min readDec 16, 2019

First of all, Install the Package by typing the code below on CMD

pip install pyforest

Secondly, Open your favorite Editor or IDE

from pyforest import *

Done. That’s all, you have imported all the packages

How can this possible ? Just one line of CODE ! ! !

if you don’t believe me, you can test it with your own CSV file

from pyforest import *
df = pd.read_csv('test.csv')

It’s magic

Now you can find that the csv file has been read

so What packages did it import ?

### Data Wrangling
pd = LazyImport("import pandas as pd")
np = LazyImport("import numpy as np")dd = LazyImport("from dask import dataframe as dd")
SparkContext = LazyImport("from pyspark import SparkContext")
load_workbook = LazyImport("from openpyxl import load_workbook")### Data Visualization and Plotting
mpl = LazyImport("import matplotlib as mpl")
plt = LazyImport("import matplotlib.pyplot as plt")
sns = LazyImport("import seaborn as sns")py = LazyImport("import plotly as py")
go = LazyImport("import plotly.graph_objs as go")
px = LazyImport("import as px")
dash = LazyImport("import dash")bokeh = LazyImport("import bokeh")alt = LazyImport("import altair as alt")pydot = LazyImport("import pydot")# statistics
statistics = LazyImport("import statistics")
### Machine Learning
sklearn = LazyImport("import sklearn")
OneHotEncoder = LazyImport("from sklearn.preprocessing import OneHotEncoder")
TSNE = LazyImport("from sklearn.manifold import TSNE")
train_test_split = LazyImport("from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split")
svm = LazyImport("from sklearn import svm")
GradientBoostingClassifier = LazyImport(
"from sklearn.ensemble import GradientBoostingClassifier"
GradientBoostingRegressor = LazyImport(
"from sklearn.ensemble import GradientBoostingRegressor"
RandomForestClassifier = LazyImport(
"from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier"
RandomForestRegressor = LazyImport("from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestRegressor")
TfidfVectorizer = LazyImport(
"from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfVectorizer"
# TODO: add all the other most important sklearn objects
# TODO: add separate sections within machine learning viz. Classification, Regression, Error Functions, Clustering
# Deep Learning
tf = LazyImport("import tensorflow as tf")
keras = LazyImport("import keras")
nltk = LazyImport("import nltk")
gensim = LazyImport("import gensim")
spacy = LazyImport("import spacy")
re = LazyImport("import re")
### Helper
sys = LazyImport("import sys")
os = LazyImport("import os")
re = LazyImport("import re")
glob = LazyImport("import glob")
Path = LazyImport("from pathlib import Path")
pickle = LazyImport("import pickle")dt = LazyImport("import datetime as dt")tqdm = LazyImport("import tqdm")



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